The Sims Is Looking For Someone To Modernize Its Engine
EA Is Looking To Make The Sims More 'Next-Gen' The Sims franchise is going to get a new, flashy coat of paint for the foreseeable future. (Photo : Photo from The Sims' Twitter Page, @TheSims) According to GameRant, there's been a job listing from Maxis Studios (an EA-owned subsidiary) that's apparently looking for a senior rendering engineer. And the job listing, as per the report, seems to be very clear that the rendering engineer's job is to modernize the graphics engine in The Sims. A lot of Maxis branches are looking for someone to fill the position, as per EA.
Xenoblade ...
Report: Tw...
Sword Art ...
The Sims I...
Movie Thea...
One Punch ...
The Sims Is Looking For Someone To Modernize Its Engine
EA Is Looking To Make The Sims More 'Next-Gen' The Sims franchise is going to get a new, flashy coat of paint for the foreseeable future. (Photo : Photo from The Sims' Twitter Page, @TheSims) According to GameRant, there's been a job listing from Maxis Studios (an EA-owned subsidiary) that's apparently looking for a senior rendering engineer. And the job listing, as per the report, seems to be very clear that the rendering engineer's job is to modernize the graphics engine in The Sims. A lot of Maxis branches are looking for someone to fill the position, as per EA.
Notorious ...
Why isn't ...
Just convi...
Week of Ap...
Xenoblade ...
Report: Tw...