Why isn't Roblox on PS4 or Ps5 consoles?
This, Sony really likes to moderate what players have access to on there platform. It's why Skyrim and fallout mods for the console where all premoderated by Bethesda, Sony just does not want an image of some kid playing on a Sony console with the Roblox Auschwitz simulator map turning up on the evening news.

Can you blame them?
Xenoblade ...
Report: Tw...
Sword Art ...
The Sims I...
Movie Thea...
One Punch ...
Why isn't Roblox on PS4 or Ps5 consoles?
This, Sony really likes to moderate what players have access to on there platform. It's why Skyrim and fallout mods for the console where all premoderated by Bethesda, Sony just does not want an image of some kid playing on a Sony console with the Roblox Auschwitz simulator map turning up on the evening news.

Can you blame them?
Notorious ...
Why isn't ...
Just convi...
Week of Ap...
Xenoblade ...
Report: Tw...